Featured Posts

Creator Spotlight: NPC Encyclopedia
In this Creator Spotlight, meet Tony of NPC Encyclopedia. He makes a wealth of NPCs for 5e (though usable for other roleplaying games too) that are highly detailed and ready-to-play! He even made the NPC Grestian special for this post for you to enjoy and use in your next game!
Creator Spotlight: Em’s Campaigns and Characters
In this Creator Spotlight, we feature Em’s Campaigns & Characters who specializes in making PC, NPC, and Campaign Concepts specifically for 5e!
- Anthropology 7
- Character Creation 3
- Communication 2
- Creator Spotlight 14
- Cuisine 1
- Cultures 5
- Dice Table 1
- Economics 1
- Encounters 1
- Fantasy 4
- GM-less 1
- Guest Blogger 3
- Holidays 1
- Homebrew 3
- Indie Creator 12
- Indie Games 4
- Kinship 2
- Maps 8
- NPCs 2
- Perspective Taking 1
- RPGs 2
- Review 2
- Roleplaying 11
- Roleplaying Game System 4
- Sci Fi 1
- Science and Gaming 1
- Short Adventures 1
- Storytelling 1
- Talespinner 1
- Worldbuilding 11
In this post, we begin to explore the joys of cuisine and culture. In particular, we look at the art of toasting and how you might be able to use that in your roleplaying games or as part of your worldbuilding.