Creator Spotlight: CZRPG Maps
Map Series
Meet the Creator: Christian Zeuch
Give us a quick overview of what you make!
I produce D&D 5e content, like adventures, supplements and maps. This is my mission: “To provide awesome D&D content with fantastic presentation to make DMs save time and look like Pro DMs.”
How did you get started in gaming?
I came across D&D in 1999 (AD&D) through a colleague from school, he introduced me to his group and I’ve been around since then.
What inspired you to create maps?
My first paid module was inspired on the traps from Paths Peculiar but after that, it really depends on each project. Sometimes it’s sometime personal, like the Tarondir city, and sometimes it’s all about what would people like to see, like my Encounters series.
What is your next big goal for gaming-related work?
My goal is to be able to manage to deliver on all the projects that I’m leading, all of which involve a lot of people in total. I have several products in ideation/production phases, and I’m not writing most of them, so it’s quite the challenge to manage all that. But my main goal is to aim for a successful release of Chessenta’s Tyranny, a lvl 1 to 11 campaign module set in… well, Chessenta!
What's one fun fact people should know about you?
I’m a diver though it’s been a while since I haven’t been able to dive due to COVID. No travel, no diving.
See some of the detail of Christian’s maps!
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