Creator Spotlight: Nerd Dad Maps
Map Series
Meet the Creator: Jak!
Give us a quick overview of what you make!
I make battle maps, regional/town maps, and world maps using a map creator!
How did you get started in gaming?
Video games I’ve been playing since I could walk. Tabletop games I’ve been playing for about 16 years now. Off and on of course! I had a buddy of mine introduce me to a complicated game system called Rift. It involved percentile die more than anything. Soon after I discovered DnD through Acquisitions Incorporated’s YouTube channel and I’ve been playing that ever since.
What inspired you to create maps?
I needed some maps for my own game. I got so into them I lost track of time for a few days and realized this is something I’d like to do for a career. Maybe one day I’ll make it!
What is your next big goal for gaming-related work?
I’d like to get 10 commissions by the second half of the year. I’ve got one so far!
What's one fun fact people should know about you?
I can do that weird belly roll thing!
Follow Jak on a range of social media, and keep him in mind for all your map commission needs! You can also purchase his work at DriveThruRPG!