Creator Spotlight: Maps ‘N’ Quests
Map Series
Meet the Creator: Maps ‘N’ Quests
“The World’s Okayest Purveyor of TTRPG Maps”
Give us a quick overview of what you make!
I make digital TTRPG and D&D fantasy and medieval battle and encounter maps, specifically, I make BIG maps, typically sized at least for a 25x50 grid. I also do weather and aerial effects overlays for the maps to give people options for how they’re doing the map.
How did you get started in gaming?
About 20 years ago, as a gigantic nerd, growing up in a rural town in Georgia, I was really into fantasy and high fantasy. One of my friends invited me to play a game named “Dungeons & Dragons” and I was hooked, starting with that first elf ranger in AD&D 2e, then moved to 3.5e, kind of skipped 4e, dabbled in Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu and a few others, but always come back to high fantasy.
What inspired you to create maps?
I actually started making maps because of what I saw as a missing piece in the TTRPG and D&D combat/encounter map market - big maps. Most of the maps out there are maybe 25x25 grid at most. My party likes to get really tactical in combat and encounters, and maps like that just don’t lend themselves terribly well to that sort of thing, especially not when you have characters with things like spell sniper that can hit a target from 48 grid squares away. So, I started making maps for the party I’m the Dungeon Master for, and as I got better they said something to the effect of “these are really good, you could probably make some money off of these.” To which, I responded “you’re all crazy, make an Int save against insanity.” But, that’s where this crazy idea was born.
What is your next big goal for gaming-related work?
I would love to get to 1000 Patrons on my Patreon, which is definitely a stretch goal and a long(er) term goal. In the short term, I love working on collabs and would like to get some more of those going.
What's one fun fact people should know about you?
I actually make my own hot sauce too, and consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur of all things spicy. The spicier the better.
Meet the Maps!
Follow Maps ‘N’ Quests on a range of social media and consider supporting their work on Patreon to help reach the goal of 1,000 supporters! You can also purchase their work at DriveThruRPG!
Twitter: @n_quests
Facebook: @MapsNQuests
Instagram: maps_n_quests